Interested in casual work?

Updated 18 Apr 2024

Elections ACT is always looking for dedicated workers to perform casual roles for the ACT Electoral Commission.

If you believe you would be suitable for such roles, register online now:

How long is my application valid?

Your employment details will always remain on Elections ACT's staff register and you will be able to update your details if necessary, using the provided login details.

What happens if I am selected for employment?

If you are selected for employment, you will be contacted and a formal Offer of Employment together with other employment forms and information will be sent to you to complete and return.

How much does a polling official get paid?

The pay rates for the 2024 ACT election will be updated shortly. For you information the 2020 pay rates are listed below.

The amount you are paid for work on election day depends upon the role in which you are selected to perform. Below is a table outlining the package rates for each polling place position for the 2020 ACT Legislative Assembly election.

Polling place position Total amount excl Super
Polling Official  $576.77
Second in Charge  $776.39
Officer in Charge  Between $906.74 and $1,036.08
Polling Area Manager  $722.20

What are the terms and conditions of working for Elections ACT?