Ballot paper preference data - 2020 Election

Updated 19 Nov 2020

The following links include the results of every formal ballot paper counted at the 2020 ACT Legislative Assembly election.

This data is derived from the electronic voting and counting system (EVACS) used by the ACT Electoral Commission at the election.  At this election, some electors had the choice of casting an electronic vote on a computer in a polling place, via on online voting system for overseas based electors, or on a traditional paper ballot paper.  After polling day, all formal paper ballots were scanned and preferences entered into EVACS for amalgamation with electronic votes, for counting.

Data is presented as separate text files. The format of the tables and a description of the fields contained in each table are contained in the following PDF explanatory document.

The following links do not contain any programs which can be used to analyse this data.

If you have any difficulty in reading the data, or if you have any other questions about the data, please contact Elections ACT.