New deadline for political parties wanting to register for the 2004 ACT Legislative Assembly election

Published 17 May 2004

New parties have until 30 June 2004 to apply for registration for the 2004 ACT election.

Amendments to the Electoral Act passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly late on Friday night set 30 June as the deadline for applications to register a new political party.

"The new deadline will allow time for all the steps required for the registration process to occur prior to the election," the ACT Electoral Commissioner, Mr Phillip Green, said today.

"At previous elections, there was no fixed deadline for applying for party registration before the start of an election period, which has led to some uncertainty. This amendment gives prospective parties a fixed date to work to," Mr Green said.

Another change to the Electoral Act will require new parties to have 100 members on the electoral roll at the time they make their application.

"Previously it was unclear when prospective parties needed to have 100 members on the ACT electoral roll. This change makes it clear that they must have 100 members at the time of application," Mr Green said.

There are eight political parties currently registered for ACT elections. A list of these parties is available from the Commission or can be viewed from the link above.

Other amendments to the Electoral Act passed by the Legislative Assembly include:

  • The removal of the ability of independent MLAs to register a "ballot group";
  • Changes to postal voting procedures;
  • Preventing the Electoral Commissioner from taking part in the review by the Electoral Commission of a decision not to conduct a recount of ballot papers; and
  • Bringing all the thresholds for disclosure of political donations and expenditure up to $1500, to remove inconsistencies in the current disclosure scheme.

"These measures will apply to the next ACT Legislative Assembly election," Mr Green said. As the ACT Legislative Assembly has fixed term elections, the next ACT election is due to be held on 16 October 2004. If a federal election is called for this day, the ACT election will be held on 4 December 2004.

Phillip Green
Electoral Commissioner