2008/2009 financial disclosure returns available

Published 1 Feb 2010

Financial disclosure returns for ACT political parties, Members of the Legislative Assembly, associated entities and donors to political parties for the 2008/2009 financial year were released today by the ACT Electoral Commissioner, Phillip Green.

"The returns show details of receipts, gifts, payments and debts related to political participants in the ACT for the last financial year", Mr Green said.

These returns can be inspected on the ACT Electoral Commission's internet site or in person at the office of the Electoral Commissioner on the ground floor of the North Building, London Circuit, Civic Square, Canberra City between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays. For public enquiries phone 6205 0033.

Phillip Green
Electoral Commissioner


More information about funding and disclosure can be viewed on the Commission's website at: www.elections.act.gov.au/parties/fad.html